Elliot Page, renowned for his role in The Umbrella Academy and his 2023 film Close to You, has openly shared the challenges he's faced with his family regarding his gender identity and sexuality. The film, which Elliot co-wrote and starred in, poignantly explores themes of love, rejection, and acceptance through the story of Sam, a transgender man navigating a return to his family and friends post-transition. This narrative mirrors Elliot’s own experiences and his complex relationship with his family.
Elliot Page and mother Martha Phillpotts
Source: Getty Images
Who Are Elliot Page’s Parents?
Elliot Page’s parents are Martha Philpotts, a teacher, and Dennis Page, a graphic designer. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Elliot was assigned female at birth and named Ellen. In 2014, Elliot came out as gay, and a decade later, in 2024, he publicly came out as transgender.
A Journey of Strained Relationships and Personal Growth
Elliot’s relationship with his parents has been fraught with difficulties, particularly in the wake of his coming out. He has been candid about the rejection he faced from his family initially. This rejection took a toll on him, leading to struggles with self-harm and food restriction as coping mechanisms. In interviews, Elliot has described how his family’s lack of acceptance added significant emotional strain.
However, there has been a notable shift in his relationship with his mother. Elliot has mentioned that things improved significantly with her after he came out as transgender. His mother, who was raised in a religious household with a minister father, initially struggled with Elliot’s identity. But over time, she has become a strong advocate and ally. “I think it’s really inspiring that she’s changed and become such an advocate and ally,” Elliot shared. “It took her time to break out of the ideas she grew up with.”
Elliot Page and 'Closer to You' co-star Hillary Baack
Source: Instagram | @elliot page
The Rift with His Father
In contrast, Elliot’s relationship with his father, Dennis Page, remains strained. According to Elliot, they have not spoken in over five years. The rift has been exacerbated by Dennis’s support for individuals and viewpoints that have been critical of Elliot. One notable incident involved Dennis “liking” a video by right-wing author Jordan Peterson, who had made disparaging comments about Elliot. This act of support from his father for those who have criticized and ridiculed him has been a significant source of pain for Elliot.
Elliot Page’s journey highlights the personal struggles many face when reconciling their identities with family expectations and societal norms. His story of resilience and transformation not only sheds light on his own experiences but also serves as a beacon for others navigating similar paths. Through his public struggles and triumphs, Elliot continues to inspire and advocate for acceptance and understanding in the face of adversity.