Jackson Galaxy, widely known as the “Cat Daddy,” became a household name through his hit Animal Planet series My Cat From Hell, where he used his unique skills to help troubled cats and their owners live in harmony. The show, which aired for ten seasons from 2011 to 2020, catapulted Galaxy to fame, making him one of the most recognized faces in animal behavior and welfare. But what has Jackson Galaxy been up to since the show wrapped up? His life after My Cat From Hell is just as fascinating, filled with ongoing work in animal welfare, new ventures, and personal growth.
Source: Instagram/@thecatdaddy
Expanding His Reach: The Jackson Galaxy Project
After My Cat From Hell, Galaxy didn’t step back from his mission to improve the lives of cats and their humans. Instead, he expanded his efforts through the Jackson Galaxy Project, a division of Greater Good Charities. This initiative aims to improve the lives of shelter animals, particularly cats, through programs like Cat Pawsitive, which brings positive reinforcement training to animal shelters across the United States. The program teaches shelter staff and volunteers how to use clicker training to help cats become more adoptable, a project that Galaxy feels deeply passionate about. By bringing this approach to over 100 shelters, Galaxy has continued his mission to reduce the number of cats euthanized each year due to behavioral issues.
Live Shows and Public Engagements
In addition to his charitable work, Jackson Galaxy has taken his message on the road with live performances. These shows are a mix of education and entertainment, where Galaxy shares stories from his years of working with cats, provides tips for cat owners, and offers live advice on stage. These events allow him to connect directly with fans and cat owners, helping them understand their feline friends better and fostering a community around cat care and welfare.
Source: Instagram/@thecatdaddy
Personal Life and Furry Companions
Galaxy’s personal life also reflects his deep love for animals. He shares his home with several cats and a dog, each with its unique personality and quirks. His home is “catified,” with custom-built shelves and pathways that allow his cats to explore and live in a space designed with their needs in mind. These features are not just for show; they are a testament to Galaxy’s belief in creating environments that cater to a cat's natural instincts.
One of his more personal ventures is working with his cats at home, applying his famous "challenge line" concept. This approach involves balancing the need to allow cats to retreat to safe spaces while gently encouraging them to explore and expand their comfort zones. Galaxy has shared that this method has been crucial in helping his shyest cat, Caroline, adapt to new environments and experiences.
Media Appearances and New Ventures
Galaxy hasn’t completely stepped away from television either. In 2020, he appeared in a special quarantine edition of My Cat From Hell titled Cat Sh#t Crazy, where he helped cat owners remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The special highlighted his adaptability and commitment to helping cat owners, even when traditional methods were not possible.
Beyond television, Galaxy remains active on social media, where he continues to share advice, stories, and updates on his work. His YouTube channel and other social media platforms serve as a space where he can engage with a global audience, offering insights into cat behavior and welfare in a more direct and personal manner.
Looking Forward
As Galaxy continues his work in animal welfare, he remains a key figure in the world of cat behavior. His influence extends beyond just helping individual cats and their owners; through his ongoing projects and public engagements, he advocates for systemic changes in how society views and treats cats. Whether through his live shows, his work with the Jackson Galaxy Project, or his personal life, Galaxy's post-My Cat From Hell journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication to the animals he loves.
Jackson Galaxy’s life after My Cat From Hell is a story of growth, continued advocacy, and a deepening commitment to making the world a better place for cats and the people who care for them. His work serves as an inspiration to animal lovers everywhere, proving that even after the cameras stop rolling, the mission to help our furry friends never truly ends.